University of Limerick (UL) Academic Calendar

This is to educate you about the school calendar and the necessary information you need to know about the school admission date, graduation dates and other things been observed in the school, example holidays and breaks

I hope this information will guide you through

uly 2022
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
08 Jul 2022
to 15 Jul 2022
School of Medicine BMBS Viewing School Grade Recheck Applications Spring – Faculty return (non-clinical)
07 Jul 2022
to 16 Dec 2022
School of Medicine Weeks 1-24
25 Jul 2022
to 19 Aug 2022
Spring Scheduling data collection by Academic Registry via ASCS
August 2022
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
15 Aug 2022 Annual Registration opens (for all returning students except Research students) Please note: Registration on 15/Aug/2022 relates to all students (except Research) returning on 05/Sep/2022. For students commencing their studies prior to this date, annual registration will open 3 weeks prior to their return date.
0 29 Aug 2022
to 02 Sep 2022
Week 0 of Academic Year
September 2022
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
0 02 Sep 2022 Autumn Orientation for new students (Postgraduate students, Graduate entry medicine and continuing professional education courses)
1 – 12 05 Sep 2022
to 25 Nov 2022
Weeks 1 – 12
1 – 15 05 Sep 2022
to 17 Dec 2022
Autumn semester commences including exams (Weeks 1-15)
1 – 2 05 Sep 2022
to 16 Sep 2022
Grade recheck applications for Repeat/Summer exams 2024/22
2 13 Sep 2022
to 14 Sep 2022
Viewing days Repeat/Summer scripts 2024/22
2 14 Sep 2022 Grading submissions for September Exam Board (Masters) 2024/22
2 14 Sep 2022 Student Status Committee 2024/22
2 15 Sep 2022 Prospective Grad reports & Electronic Broadsheet issued 2024/22
3 19 Sep 2022
to 22 Sep 2022
Autumn semester Orientation for 1st Year CAO-entry undergraduate courses
3 22 Sep 2022
to 23 Sep 2022
University Graduate Exam Board 2024/22
3 23 Sep 2022 Academic Council
3 23 Sep 2022 Results available online 2024/22 from the Sept Exam Board. Available in the pm
4 – 12 26 Sep 2022
to 25 Nov 2022
Autumn semester commences for 1st year CAO-entry undergraduate courses (weeks 4-12)
October 2022
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
6 12 Oct 2022
to 14 Oct 2022
Module Selection for Spring (programmes with electives only)
7 20 Oct 2022
to 21 Oct 2022
Autumn Open Days
8 24 Oct 2022 Publication of provisional Exam timetable
8 27 Oct 2022 Deadline for change requests to provisional timetable
November 2022
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
11 15 Nov 2022
to 16 Nov 2022
Grading submissions for December Exam Board
12 21 Nov 2022 Prospective Grad reports & Electronic Broadsheet issued
9 01 Nov 2022 HEA provisional returns
10 07 Nov 2022 Publication of final Exam timetable
12 25 Nov 2022 Deadline submission of Autumn Semester exam papers to Academic Registry
13 28 Nov 2022
to 02 Dec 2022
Week 13
December 2022
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
13 01 Dec 2022 University Graduate Exam Board Winter
13 03 Dec 2022
to 17 Dec 2022
Autumn Examination period
14 07 Dec 2022 Results available online (from the Dec Exam Board. Available in the pm)
14 03 Dec 2022
to 10 Jan 2024
Module Grade Entry for Autumn Exams
15 12 Dec 2022
to 16 Dec 2022
School of Medicine BMBS Examinations Autumn – UL Week 15
January 2024
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
0 16 Jan 2024
to 19 Jan 2024
UL Winter Conferring Ceremonies
1 – 15 23 Jan 2024
to 15 May 2024
Spring Teaching Term (including Exams)
02 Jan 2024
to 23 Jun 2024
School of Medicine BMBS Weeks 27-51
02 Jan 2024
to 20 Jan 2024
Inter Semester break
0 16 Jan 2024
to 18 Jan 2024
Progression reports for Autumn Exams *16.01.2024 (PM), 18.01.2024 (AM)
0 16 Jan 2024
to 20 Jan 2024
Online registration for Spring (All returning students)
0 16 Jan 2024
to 20 Jan 2024
Spring Orientation (Students commencing in Spring Semester)
0 18 Jan 2024 Academic Council Grading Committee Autumn Exams afternoon
0 19 Jan 2024 Results available online (Autumn Semester)
0 19 Jan 2024
to 02 Feb 2024
Consider recheck applications for Autumn Exams
0 21 Jan 2024 January Open Day
1 – 15 23 Jan 2024
to 15 May 2024
Spring Teaching Term (including Exams)
1 – 12 23 Jan 2024
to 21 Apr 2024
Weeks 1-12
1 24 Jan 2024
to 25 Jan 2024
Viewing days for scripts Autumn (within Faculty, tbc)
2 30 Jan 2024
to 03 Feb 2024
Spring Exam Requirements online (MERCS)
February 2024
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
01 Jan 2024 Last APRC for consideration of items affecting Autumn schedule Date to be confirmed
2 01 Feb 2024 Semester 1 Exam Board (Jan/Feb)
2 01 Feb 2024 Student Status Committee
2 03 Feb 2024 Exam Board Results/Awards available online (Autumn Semester)
March 2024
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
6 01 Mar 2024 HEA final returns
7 06 Mar 2024
to 10 Mar 2024
Final award entry forms issued to potential graduates
7 – 9 08 Mar 2024
to 24 Mar 2024
Autumn Scheduling data collection by Academic Registry via ASCS 2024/24
8 13 Mar 2024 Publication of provisional Exam timetable
8 13 Mar 2024
to 20 Mar 2024
Module Selection for Autumn (programmes with electives only)
8 16 Mar 2024 Deadline for change requests to provisional Exam timetable
10 27 Mar 2024 Publication of final Exam timetable
April 2024
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
03 Apr 2024
to 10 Apr 2024
Easter Break (students)
03 Apr 2024
to 11 Apr 2024
Issue Prospective graduate reports to Faculty
13 Apr 2024
to 09 Jun 2024
School of Medicine BMBS Examinations Year 1-4
12 21 Apr 2024 Deadline submission of Spring Semester exam papers to Academic Registry
May 2024
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
13 – 14 02 May 2024
to 15 May 2024
Spring Examinations period
15 May 2024
to 02 Sep 2024
Summer Period
23 May 2024 Last APRC for consideration of items affecting Spring schedule
02 May 2024
to 23 May 2024
Module Grade Entry for Spring Exams
10 May 2024 School of Medicine BMBS Grading Deadline Spring – Graduating Only (Module Grade Entry Final Deadline) *5PM
15 May 2024 School of Medicine BMBS Progression Reports to Faculty Spring (Graduating Only)
22 May 2024 School of Medicine BMBS Results Available Online (Graduating Only)
22 May 2024
to 06 Jun 2024
School of Medicine BMBS Consider Recheck Applications for Spring Exams (Graduating Only)
30 May 2024
to 02 Jun 2024
Progression Decision Entry
31 May 2024 School of Medicine BMBS Viewing Days for Scripts Spring (Graduating Only)
June 2024
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
02 Jun 2024 Academic Council Grading Committee Spring
05 Jun 2024
to 16 Jun 2024
School of Medicine BMBS Year 2 Special Study Module
08 Jun 2024 University Grading Exam Board Summer
12 Jun 2024 School of Medicine BMBS Final Day for Student Grading Recheck – Faculty return (Graduating Only)
13 Jun 2024 UL Summer Conferring Ceremonies
19 Jun 2024 Results available online
19 Jun 2024
to 03 Jul 2024
Consider recheck applications Spring Exams
21 Jun 2024
to 28 Jun 2024
Repeats online registration
22 Jun 2024 School of Medicine BMBS Grading Deadline (non-clinical)
22 Jun 2024 School of Medicine BMBS Progression Reports to Faculty Spring (non-clinical)
23 Jun 2024 Academic Council Grading Committee Spring (Medical School/ETC)
26 Jun 2024 School of Medicine BMBS Results Available Online (non- clinical)
26 Jun 2024
to 10 Jul 2024
School of Medicine BMBS Consider Recheck Applications Spring – Student (non- clinical)
27 Jun 2024
to 28 Jun 2024
Viewing days for scripts Summer (proposed)
28 Jun 2024 Student Status Committee
28 Jun 2024
to 29 Jun 2024
School of Medicine BMBS Viewing Days for Scripts Spring (non- clinical)
August 2024
Week Date Activity/Action Activity/Action relates to A/Y Notes
28 Aug 2024
to 01 Sep 2024
UL Autumn Conferring Ceremonies
28 Aug 2024
to 02 Sep 2024
Summer Exam Period
11 Aug 2024 Deadline submission of repeat/summer examination papers to Academic Registry 5PM
28 Aug 2024
to 04 Sep 2024
Module Grade Entry for Repeats/Summer Exams