
Why You Should and How to Improve Your Math Skills

This article will teach you the value of having strong mathematical and numeracy skills. You will also learn how to improve your mathematics skills and your ability to understand and work with numbers.

What exactly is mathematics all about?

Most people associate mathematics with working with numbers. But maths goes far beyond that. Mathematics is fundamentally the science of patterns. Mathematicians look for patterns in the world, study them, create notations to describe them, and then use those notations to study the identified patterns further.

They don’t stop there, though. They then proceed to make assumptions about these patterns and establish truths through rigorous proofs. Finally, they create procedures for applying the study’s findings to the real world.

Math is more feared than understood by the majority of students. Perhaps the school system and the way we teach had something to do with it. However, math is crucial in today’s world.

For example, we use math in every aspect of our lives at work, as well as in practical everyday activities at home and elsewhere. When we go to the market, withdraw money from the bank, cook food, or arrange our rooms, we use math. “What most of us learn in school doesn’t begin to convey what mathematics is,” says Prof. Keith Devlin.

Why You Should Care about Your Mathematical Skills

It is an undeniable fact that basic numerical skills such as dealing with decimals, ratios, percentages, and making estimates are extremely important in today’s world. “Our civilization would collapse without mathematics,” says Peter Braunfeld of the University of Illinois.

The world is rapidly transforming into a statistical battlefield teeming with data. This raises the bar for more people to be mathematically knowledgeable and inclined. Basic arithmetic skills assist citizens in making sense of statistical and economic news. Furthermore, many decisions in life are based on numerical data, so we must perform some calculations in order to make the best choices.

According to statistics, in the near future, approximately 90% of new graduate jobs in fields such as engineering, accounting, nursing, medicine, art, architecture, and many others will require some level of digital skills. Of course, digital skills are built on fundamental mathematics. The more digitally oriented the job, the more advanced mathematical skills are required.

More numerical data is available to us than ever before in the digital age. As a result, the ability to reason and apply mathematical concepts is now valued more than ever. Computers can perform mind-numbing mathematical computations for us. However, good mathematical reasoning skills are required in order to effectively use them to solve daily problems and make appropriate decisions.

Two Crucial Tips for Improving Your Math Skills

Many people dislike mathematics simply because they do it incorrectly. Nobody is born with a natural aptitude for mathematics, and it is not inherited. There is no such thing as a “maths” person.

Mathematics is similar to a language in that it allows you to communicate. You find it difficult to understand at first. However, with practice and use, you will become very proficient at using it. Here are two important pointers to help you improve your math skills:

Understand rather than just memorizing

Why You Should and How to Improve Your Math Skills

Mathematical symbols, whether numbers, letters, or anything else, are the same as any other symbol. This means they were created to symbolize something. When symbolic methods are separated from the real-world domains for which they were designed, they appear meaningless and pointless. This is the issue with how we study mathematics, particularly the more abstract branches such as algebra and calculus.

We frequently attempt to memorize a mathematical equation or formula without fully comprehending what each symbol represents. Alternatively, we may attempt to cram a procedure or sequence of steps rather than attempting to understand why certain steps are required in a procedure.

We’ve already explained some helpful tips for understanding in the previous articles on chunking. Understanding that 74 × 5 means the total of seventy-four “items or things” five “times” or in five “places” is more important than knowing how to do the calculation.

Get involved and practice various problems

When you’re a passive learner, math, like most subjects, is difficult to learn. In fact, unlike some subjects, it will frequently push you outside of your comfort zone, requiring you to think critically at times. After reading this far, you should be aware that this type of focused thinking is normal and necessary for learning.

It is very beneficial to solve as many problems as necessary to ensure that you understand the concept and become fluent in quickly finding solutions to various problems within the concept. Remember that, like a language, math skills require repetition in order to improve.

When you have correctly solved about ten different problems of varying difficulty within a mathematical concept, you will most likely have a solid chunk of that maths skill.


With practice, determination, and willingness, you can improve your math skills. Learning mathematics usually necessitates a great deal of concentration. This means that when studying, you must turn off or remove all distractions.

Finally, because procedures are so important in math, explaining how you solve mathematical problems is extremely beneficial. You could record the steps you took as well as other approaches you could have taken. You could also explain it to someone else or teach it to a friend. Math is enjoyable because it allows you to better explain and comprehend the world around you. All you have to do is study it while keeping its significance in mind.