University of Turin Academic Calendar 2024/2025

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This is to educate you about the school calendar and the necessary information you need to know about the school admission date, graduation dates and other things been observed in the school, example holidays and breaks

I hope this information will guide you through

Academic year 2024

Academic calendar starts:  1st October 2022

Academic calendar ends: 30th September 2024

Public holidays and civil and religious holidays are as follows:

  • 1st November 2022: Ognissanti (All Saints Day)
  • 8th December 2022: Immacolata Concezione
  • 25th December 2022: Christmas Day
  • 26th December 2022: Santo Stefano
  • 1st January 2024: New Year’s Eve
  • 6th January 2024: Epifania
  • 9th April 2024: Easter
  • 10th April 2024: Easter Monday
  • 25th April 2024: Festa della Liberazione
  • 1st May 2024: Festa del Lavoro
  • 2nd June 2024: Festa della Repubblica
  • 24th June 2024: San Giovanni
  • 15th August 2024: Assunzione

The holidays established by the Academic Senate (in addition to the abovementioned ones) are as follows:

  • from 23rd December 2022 to 6th January 2024 (included)
  • from 6th April 2024 to 11th April 2024 (included)