Apply for UEW Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund (VCSF)

Applications are invited from qualified undergraduate students to access the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund (VCSF) for brilliant but needy students for the 2025/2026 academic year.

UEW Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Eligibility

To be eligible to receive the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund (VCSF) award, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • To be eligible to receive the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund (VCSF) award, the applicant must meet the following criteria:
  • Be a Ghanaian as defined by the Constitution of Ghana.
  • Be an undergraduate student of UEW.
  • Be enrolled on a non-Full fee paying programme at the University.
  • Must have strong academic ability and have a financial need. That is, the applicant must produce evidence, with documentation, that he/she has a strong academic potential but is financially handicapped to pursue higher education in UEW.
  • Submit a completed Application Form for the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund award before the announced deadline for the submission of the Form.
  • The applicant must not be on a similar scholarship.

Accessing the Scholarship

  • The applicant confirms his/her eligibility for the scholarship.
  • The applicant completes and submits the approved Scholarship Application Form together with certified copies of certificates and other supporting documents prior to the scholarship application deadline.
  • The Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund (VCSF) Coordinators (Deans) receive and register their respective applications, make copies, organise applications review at their respective Faculties/ Schools/Institutes and forward applications with their recommendations to the Division of Academic Affairs.

Payment to Beneficiaries

University fees shall be paid directly to the University whilst other payments shall be made through the beneficiary’s bank account.

Continuity of Scholarship

The Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund (VCSF) scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year. Renewal and continuation of awards shall be contingent upon maintaining good academic progress. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 to qualify for renewal of the award.

Procedure for Renewal of Award

  • The beneficiary student shall submit his/her progress report to the respective Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund (VCSF) Coordinator (Dean). The progress report must be submitted by the deadline to be determined by the management board for each category of beneficiaries.
  • The Coordinator receives and registers all progress reports and forwards them to the scholarship committee with his/her recommendations by the deadline to be determined by the management. The Coordinator must consult the relevant Heads of Department/Study Centre Coordinators before giving his/her recommendations.
  • The SC shall review the progress reports and submit their recommendations for the renewal of award of scholarships to the management board by the deadline to be determined by the management board.
  • The management board shall meet to take decisions on the recommendations of the scholarship committee and communicate their decisions to the scholarship committee, Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund (VCSF) Coordinator (Dean) and the applicant by the deadline to be determined by the management board.
  • The Fund Administrator shall arrange for the disbursement of the subsequent scholarship funding to the successful applicants.

Non-Discriminatory Policy

The scholarships shall be awarded to students based on criteria that relate to the charitable purposes of the Fund, namely, the brilliant but financially disadvantaged students in the university. Based on this, all scholarships shall be awarded on an objective and non-discriminatory basis. In the selection of awardees for the scholarships, Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund (VCSF) shall not take into consideration the following:

  • Applicant’s relationship to employees of the university
  • Family members of applicant on Scholarship Committee and management Board
  • Employees of the university

Termination of Scholarship

The scholarship of a beneficiary student may be terminated if the student:

  • Death
  • Abandons the course of study
  • Defers the course of study without written approval from the management board
  • Fails to maintain a GPA of 2.50
  • Uses any part of the scholarship for non-approved purposes. Such recipients shall be made to refund any grant fund used inappropriately
  • Changes his/her course of study without a written approval from the MB
  • Found to have provided false information at the time of application or at any point in time. Such a student shall be made to refund all monies paid to him or her from the Fund and also face all other sanctions provided in the University Statute, Students’ Handbook and other laws/ regulations in respect of false declaration and deceit of public officers
  • Is rusticated or suspended for misconduct.

How to Apply for UEW Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship

Download Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship Fund