Obong University School Fees


  • Sciences: N200,000.00

  • Management/Social Sciences (Except otherwise stated): N180,000.00

  • Mass Communication: N180,000

  • Christian Religious Studies: N90,000.00

  • Marketing, Business Administration: N135,000.00

  • English & Lit. Studies: N135,000

Other Charges
  • Departmental/Faculty Dues: N10,000

  • Medical: N20,000

  • Sports: N5,000

  • Registration: N5,000

  • Special Fee (PTA) Development Levy: N20,000

  • Library: N5,000

  • Exams Fee: N15,000

  • Students Welfare: N5,000

  • I.C.T.: N10,000

  • S.U.G: N5,000

  • Utility Fee: N20,000

Total: N120,000

  • Sciences: N320,000

  • Management: N300,000

  • Mass Communication: N300,000

  • Christian Religious Studies: N210,000

  • Marketing, Business Admin & Eng. & Lit. Studies: N255,000

  • Accommodation (Type 1): N60,000.00

  • Accommodation (Type 2) N70,000.00

  • All Fees are per Session (Per Year)

  • Various Scholarships are available at Obong University.  Please contact the admissions office or the Bursary for a list of scholarships available to various categories of students.

  • Sciences: N180,000.00

  • Arts, others: N170,000.00

Account Details
  • First Bank Account Number 2014828814

  • First Bank, 2012748914

  • Zenith Bank, 1011581876

  • Heritage Bank, 6001958185