About Oban Hills
Oban Hills in Cross River State is another Listed UNESCO World Heritage Site in Nigeria. Oban Hills is an array of hills located within Cross River National Park, sharing border with the Korup National Park of Cameroon. It is one of few sites where wildlife such as Xavier’s Green Bull can be spotted along with odd species like Cassin’s Hawk eagle, Bat Hawk, Crested Guinea fowl and Lyre-tailed Honey guide. It also houses 482 Chimpanzees
Security/Safety of Oban Hills
This is a very safe location.
What To Bring Oban Hills
Before heading to Oban Hills, here are some helpful things to take along with you:
- Cliimbing gear.
- A good camera.
Things to do while at Oban Hills
You get to do these at Oban Hills:
- Take a landscape shot.
- Enjoy the view.
Best Features
The serenity and the view afforded is priceless!
Most common visitors
Photographers, Wild life enthusiasts can be found here.
- The view from Oban hills is priceless!- Ayo, a photographer.