
NAMIP Sustainability Challenge/UP to $50,000

The Sustainability Challenge is looking for applications from media organizations that want to create innovative news and information products that:

·         Look into ways to use technology and digital platforms to reach and interact with a larger audience

·         Develop new business models or prospects that will bring in money in the long run.

Media Development Investment Fund, with funding from the MacArthur Foundation, is implementing NAMIP, which aims to accelerate digital innovation and develop novel economic models for Nigerian independent media.

Priorities for the NAMIP Sustainability Challenge:

They encourage applications from established non-profit media, established independent media, and new ventures with news products or projects that address one or more of the following focus areas:

  • Native digital products: Do you use new and creative methods that take advantage of technology to gather news and information, as well as to report, tell stories, and distribute it?
  • Getting to rural areas: Are you developing novel strategies to reach and empower individuals outside of major urban areas, as well as those who are typically not served by existing news media, or have you already developed such strategies?
  • Innovation in distribution technology: Are you developing or have you developed new media technology for the sustainable and cost-effective distribution of local news?
  • New ways to make money: Do you look into creative ways to solve revenue problems that media companies face? For instance, how can we create new revenue streams to make media organizations more independent and sustainable?
  • Digital transition: Are you looking for and putting into action products, procedures, or solutions that help legacy media transform their businesses?

 The NAMIP Sustainability Challenge’s Benefits

  • In addition to receiving up to $50,000 for their project, successful applicants will have access to a variety of capacity-building activities, such as one-on-one coaching, targeted and individualized training, and membership in NAMIP’s supportive community of organizations with similar goals.

Eligibility for the NAMIP Sustainability Challenge

  • You could be a non-profit, an established independent media company, or a brand-new venture just getting started.
  • They are searching for mission-driven organizations and associations energetic about attempting new ways to deal with neighborhood news and data.
  • They encourage applicants, particularly from the fields of technology, design, and business, who do not have a traditional background in journalism or media.
  • In addition, they encourage applicants with TV platforms, independent radio (both community and commercial radio), and unique approaches to reaching their audiences to apply.

Note: Participants who attempted to apply during the initial call but were unsuccessful are still eligible to submit a second application.

How to Apply for the NAMIP Sustainability Challenge

Interested applicants who satisfy the aforementioned requirements should submit an application by clicking the “Apply” Link below:

Apply Here Official Link The application deadline for this funding cycle is February 28, 2024 at midnight.