Coal City University Essay Contest

Do you have passion to contest on the forthcoming Coal City University Essay Contest in 2024. Coal City University takes great pride in hosting its annual essay contest, which serves as a platform to nurture students’ creativity, confidence, and writing abilities.

The Aim of the Essay Contest

The contest goes beyond honing these skills;

  • it also endeavors to raise awareness among young individuals about urgent global matters.
  • the competition aims to inspire initiative and innovative thinking in the pursuit of sustainable development.
  • In line with these objectives, this year’s contest shines a spotlight on a critical national issue plaguing Nigeria: “Drug Abuse.”
  • By tackling this pressing concern, the university hopes to empower students to explore the topic, propose solutions, and advocate for positive change within their communities.

Theme for Coal City University Essay Contest 2024

The topic for the Coal City Essay contest 2024 is focus on Drug Abuse in Nigeria.

The issue of drug abuse has been on the rise among young people in Nigeria, presenting a significant risk to the country’s social, economic, and political stability. This problem has various underlying causes, including poverty, inadequate access to basic necessities, and peer influence. Complicating matters is the widespread availability of drugs within Nigeria, exacerbating the problem.

Despite the government’s attempts to combat drug trafficking and abuse, their efforts have proven insufficient. The primary objective of this essay contest is to confront these challenges directly by empowering students to delve into the issue and put forward holistic solutions.

The Essay Contest Details

The essay contest requires participants to compose an essay titled “Examining the Causes, Consequences, and Remedies of Drug Abuse in Nigeria.” Students will delve into the underlying factors that contribute to drug abuse in Nigeria and the detrimental impact it has on individuals and the wider society. The primary objective is to encourage students to propose effective solutions to address this societal issue, including measures like enhancing access to treatment and education programs.

Submission Guidelines and Deadline

The essay competition is available to students in Senior Secondary Schools (SS1-SS3) and the deadline for submission is June 30, 2024. Entries should be submitted online through the official website of Coal City University at To be eligible, essays must be original, with a word limit of 1000 words, and each participant is allowed to submit only one entry.

The selection process to identify qualified candidates will take place on July 20, 2024, and the award ceremony is scheduled for July 29, 2024.


The top three winners of the contest will be awarded cash prizes along with Certificates of Achievement. Moreover, the first prize recipient will have the opportunity to choose a Full tuition fee scholarship at Coal City University as an alternative. All participants who are shortlisted will be given consolation prizes and Certificates of Participation.

Judging Criteria and Selection Procedure

The submitted essays will be evaluated based on their alignment with the topic, clarity of ideas and expression, originality and creativity, depth of research and supporting evidence, and the overall quality of writing. The students who make it to the shortlist will be invited to present their essays orally. The final rankings will be determined by combining the scores from both the written essays and the oral presentations.


Students who are interested in participating in the Coal City University Essay Contest must complete a registration process by filling out a registration form accessible on the school’s official website.

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